Friday, September 30, 2011

This is my blog.

In the interest of making posting a habit for me, I'm gonna write the following, meaningless post about what I do every day.

6:30: Alarm.
6:30-7:40: Getting ready and reading scriptures.
8:00-9:00: Music theory.
9:00-10:15: Homework or iPod games.
10:30-11:45: MATH.
12:00-2:00: Band and Jazz band.
2:00-3:30: Practice time or Pit orchestra.
3:30-5ish: freeeeeddoooom.
5ish-7:45ish: Nap or night class.
8:00-10:30:  Friends or Mom time!
10:30-12: Procrastinating sleep and getting ready for the next day.
La Fin.

As you can see, I don't have time for food from 8-3:30, this is because I'm anorexic for half of everyday.  Feel free to bring me food during this part of the day.

Random: Why did HS teachers always tell me that college was gonna be super hard?  It's about the same as HS, I just shut my mind off and do the busy work, it's all mindless, rat-pulling-a-lever stuff.  So, dear HS teachers, get over it.

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